Call for an appointment today at 915-584-YORK (9675)

Symptoms York Allergy & Asthma addresses…at the Source

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It may come as a surprise that about half the people with allergies do not experience sneezing or runny noses.  Instead, they have Sinus Pressure or Headaches. These “locked-up” symptoms make it hard to focus past the "fog" of allergy.

Sinus Infections occur when allergic inflammation (swelling) blocks sinuses and bacteria begin to grow in the sinus.  Antibiotics are only temporarily effective, because allergic swelling repeatedly blocks sinus drainage, causing recurrent infections.  We offer our patients an alternative to this “roller coaster” of antibiotics and steroid courses.

Other allergic symptoms include Post-Nasal Drip, which irritates the throat, making it feel like something is stuck there.  This drainage often causes a recurring throat cough, often raising concern among co-workers that the person is sick or contagious.

The Throat Drainage also makes the tonsils swell (Tonsillitis), and clogs the eustacian tubes in the ears.  Ear Pain, Pressure, Ringing, and Infections may result, at times with Dizziness.  Doctors often perform tonsillectomies and implant ear tubes, but those procedures miss the mark.  The underlying problem is allergic drainage, which York Allergy & Asthma treats at its source. 

In the lungs, Bronchitis (productive cough) and Asthma occur.   Doctors often prescribe medicines or inhalers that make people nervous and shaky; addictive medicines that have been associated with a fourfold increase in death from asthma.  People with recurrent bronchitis or asthma who prefer a source-directed approach (rather than taking medicines forever) share our philosophy.

Allergy takes a toll on energy. Because the symptoms accumulate gradually, many people don't notice their Fatigue, although those close to us may point it out.  As treatment progresses our patients routinely comment they have more energy, and realize they have a new lifestyle, like they had years ago. 

Waking up tired (non-restorative sleep) is a diagnostic hallmark of Sleep Apnea.  When allergy symptoms accompany sleep apnea, the CPAP (mask) treatment is compromised because air can’t get through.  Effective treatment of allergy routinely improves sleep apnea, and has repeatedly reduced the need for CPAP treatment.

The skin responds to allergy by getting dry and itchy (Eczema), or with Hives (Urticaria).


Conditions we Treat

Nose Issues

  • Stuffy Nose
  • Runny Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Allergic "Salute" (Upward nose-wiping resulting in an "Allergic Crease" on the nose)
  • Nose Bleeds, or Blood-Streaked Mucus.

Sinus Issues

  • Sinus (Cheek/Forehead/Between & Behind Eyes) Pressure or Pain
  • Sinus Infections
  • Headache (Scalp Muscle Spasm) from persistent Sinus Pressure or Pain

Throat Issues

  • Sore Throat
  • Post-Nasal Drip
  • Throat Tickle Cough (Feathery/Something Stuck/Powdery-Dry)
  • Throat Irritation compromising sleep
  • Loud Snoring/Sleep Apnea due to swollen throat tissues from Post Nasal Drip.
  • Doctors recommended Removing Tonsils or Adenoid

Eye Issues

  • Itchy/Burning/Swollen Eyes
  • Allergic Shiners/Bags

Skin Issues

  • Hives (Urticaria)
  • Itchy Dry Skin (Eczema)

Food Allergy

Ear Issues

  • Ear Pressure/Popping/Crackling/Intermittent Ringing
  • Intermittent Dizziness
  • Doctors recommended Ear Tube Placement

Chest Issues

  • Productive Cough/Bronchitis
  • Allergic Asthma/Exercise-Induced Asthma/Cough-Variant Asthma (Cough until gag)


Most insurance is accepted, including Medicare and Tri-care.